Thursday, November 3, 2011

NFL Week 8 Analysis

NFC East
The NFC East is always the most challenging division to predict.   Giants, Eagles, and Cowboys are all talented enough teams to make a run in the playoffs.  Washington, after starting 3-1, is back to what I thought they were…..horrible…Let’s see how the division will shape up.

I thought Eagles would be the cream of the crop and guess what, I still do.  If you learned anything this weekend, their display against the Cowboys should tell you that they are about to turn a corner and take this division back.  McCoy is one of the best players in the NFL and he’s finally being utilized that way.  I think Eagles finish the season at 6-3, making their final record 9-7.  They certainly, with their talent, sneak out a 10-6 record.

Giants may have won two in a row, but there has been nothing convincing in their near losses to Seattle and Miami.  Manningham being back certainly helps but their defense isn’t very good so every game is going to be a struggle for them.  Giants have a VERY tough schedule ahead and I see them faltering to a 8-8 record.

Dallas is the streakiest team of them all.  They had a chance to beat Jets at the beginning of the season and they let one slip against Detroit and New England.  But then last week, they got smoked by Giants.  Their next six games are certainly winnable as long as the real Cowboys show up. I think they finish the season hot, at 6-3 or 7-2 propelling them into either a tie with Eagles at 9-7 or a 10-6 finish and the division league.

Washington will continue to lose and end up with a top 10 draft pick.  This is a team that needs Andrew Luck so it’s too bad they started 3-1.  I still them at 5-11, or even 4-12.  Especially with Hightower and Moss out and no real quarterback.

NFC North
Well, this was the division I thought would get two teams in the playoffs.  However, I picked the wrong two teams.  Originally I had Minnesota shocking the world but now it looks like it will be only Green Bay enjoying post season play.  This division shows a lot of promise and could be the new NFC East in a few years.

Green Bay is sitting at 7-0.  The only three games that a loss is “Possible” the rest of the way is @ San Diego, @ Detroit, and @ New York.  This team will finish with 13 or more wins and certainly a shot at 16-0.  This is the most talented team in the NFC and they will only beat themselves.  Remember, they won the Superbowl when they were “unhealthy.”

Lions are enjoying their Cinderella season.  It certainly helps to play two of the worst teams in football (Denver & KC) as well as watch two teams give up 20+ point leads.  Lions have a TOUGH schedule coming up.  Home against Carolina looks a lot harder than it originally did before the season.  All four road games left are certainly losable (Chicago, NO, Oakland, GB) so they are going to need to steal some wins against good teams at home (SD, GB, and Carolina).  I predict a 2-6 record for the Lions which will land their season at 8-8.  3-5 is also a possibility to finish 9-7.  Their offensive line just isn’t good enough to win the big games and if Calvin gets shut down or hurt, they are in trouble.

Chicago is a good team and Forte is a beast.  They remind me of Dallas.  Too streaky.  If they can get Detroit and SD at home, they certainly could make a play for wild card.  I predict 3-6 rest of the way with a possibility of 4-5.   This would put them around 8-8.

Minnesota, the team I thought would take the wild card.  They lost to SD by 7 on the road, 4 to TB, 3 to Detroit, and 5 to KC.  They played like crap in the 2nd half.    They’ll finish the season better than started but be hovering around 6-10.  Adrian Peterson can’t do it all himself.

NFC South
Nobody appears to want to win this division.  Three teams already sit with 3 losses at the top of the standings.  The most exciting player in the conference isn’t even on one of them, Cam Newton.

New Orleans was thought to be the cream of the crop but then they get shut down by the Rams???  Lucky for them, their schedule is absolutely easy, but then again, they did just lose to the Rams.  I see them ending on a good note at 5-3, to finish 10-6.

Tampa Bay is a hard team to figure out.  They don’t get blown out very often and give themselves a chance in every game.    Trouble is, they have SIX road games left.  I see only two of them as winnable.  If they can take care of their last three home games, they can finish 9-7 but I don’t see them beating Dallas at home.  They’ll be 8-8.

Atlanta was picked by many to win the NFC.  Why?  I don’t know.  If they win the games they should, Atlanta will be hovering around 9-7 and most likely in tiebreaker mode for wild card spot.  If they can beat New Orleans once, they 10-6 is a possibility and the division may be in tiebreak mode.  Personally, I see them nabbing a final wild card spot, especially since they beaten Lions, a team they might be tied with when said and done.

NFC  West
This certainly is the worst division in the conference.  Look for all 3 teams to be starring at a #1 pick for Andrew Luck.  Lucky for Seattle, Arizona nor St. Louis doesn’t really need one.

San Francisco has this division wrapped up.  Sitting at 6-1, they could LOSE OUT and still possibly win this division.   They won’t lose out.  In fact, because the division is so weak, they will get a bye in the first round of the playoffs.  I’d look for a 7-3 record to end the year and finish 12-4.  Not bad from a team crying for Andrew Luck at the beginning of the year after hiring his college coach.    Can you imagine if Harbaugh does everything in his power to try and trade for the #1 pick after the season is over?

Last year’s Cinderella, Seattle did everything wrong this offseason.  And what I mean by that is getting Tavaris Jackson and not anybody relevant.    This is a team that may be in the Andrew Luck hunt if Indy can find themselves a way to lose a couple more games, but then again, would Indy draft Luck?  I only see Seattle winning ONE more game (St. Louis at home) but even Steve Jackson could beat Seattle by himself.  3-13.

Arizona isn’t as bad as their record indicates but they certainly aren’t good.  They lost 4 games by a total of 11 points.  Their schedule has been absolutely brutal.  Arizona will get a few wins here and there and finish with 4, maybe 5 wins.

The Rams are 1-6 and just came off a big time win over New Orleans.  They’ve only played ONE team that I don’t think finishes season .500 (Washington).  Their next four games are winnable and I think they go on a 3-1 streak.  Rams won’t get in a situation to draft Luck, thank goodness, as they will finish 6-10.

NFC Playoff Race Prediction
Green Bay 15-1
San Fran 12-4
Philly 10-6
New Orleans 10-6
Dallas 10-6
Atlanta 9-7

AFC East
Well, this is shaping up to be an interesting division.  Most had Patriots pegged as easy favorites with Jets as a wild card.  Well….not so fast said the Buffalo Bills.

Buffalo is 5-2 and believe it or not, doing it with defense.   Getting to play Miami twice is a bonus for Buffalo because they also get Tennessee and Denver at HOME as well.  That’s 4 wins and 9-7 record at worse.   The big game on the schedule as my “make or break” is this week AT HOME against Jets.  If they can beat the Jets this weekend, I believe they are 10-6 and heading to the playoffs.  If they don’t beat the Jets, the game they must win is @ San Diego, which will be asking a lot.  I don’t think they beat either teams and finish 9-7.

New England has nothing to worry about.  This division is theirs.  Their schedule is pretty easy the rest of the way and should finish 13-3.

Jets, the Dallas Cowboys of the AFC!  4-3 and heading into a big time match up on the road against Buffalo.  If they lose this game, they will most likely succeed the wild card to Buffalo.  If they win this game, we could very well see 3 teams in the playoffs from this division if Buffalo could pull one other big win out of its hat. I see Jets finishing 7-2 the rest of the way and finish the season at 11-5.

Miami tried running their chances at Andrew Luck these last few weeks but allowed Tim Tebow and Eli Manning to come back.   A showdown at Kansas City next week could be a big battle for the worst.  Miami’s defense is actually pretty good so I actually see them pulling off a few games and finishing the season at 3-13.   May be close to Andrew Luck.

AFC North
This is the conference that’s going to try and keep both wild cards away from the AFC East.

Pittsburgh just got done reeling off a big win against New England and will be on a quest for home field in playoffs.    Their schedule is disgusting.  Cincinnati twice.  Cleveland twice.  St. Louis.  Kansas City.  San Francisco (although they are Cinderella).  They have Baltimore this week and that’s it.  I would look for 13-3 and bank on it.

AFC’s Cinderella goes to Cincinnati, lead by the red headed quarterback.    Even though this is the league’s worst management, I have to give them props on stealing two first round draft picks from Oakland. Bengals had the benefit of an easy schedule but now they have four games against Baltimore and Pittsburgh.   It’s tough to tell if this defense is good or not.  The big game on the schedules to look at is this week at Tennessee and home against Houston.  If they can take one of them, they are starring at 9-7 and a tie with Buffalo.

So Baltimore almost lost to Arizona and lost to Jacksonville last week.  They also had a bad loss to Tennessee. This is NOT the team I thought they were.  Nevertheless, I don’t think they lose to neither Cleveland nor Cincinnati.  I think they finish 12-4.  Ray Rice and this defense are just too good to falter.

Cleveland beat the teams they should beat (Indy, Miami, Seattle) to keep them from the Andrew Luck talks.    Their defense isn’t that bad but their offense is hideous.  I have them finishing 1-8 the rest of the way.  This would put them at 4-12 and just outside of a much needed Andrew Luck pick.  But anything on offense would be needed (Blackmon, Richardson)

AFC South
The world’s most interesting conference now the Peyton Manning is out.  Sadly, I thought Colt’s defense and their offensive line was good enough to give themselves a chance win this weak conference.  This conference could be similar to NFC West last year and send a team with a losing record to the playoffs.

Well, the leader of the conference is Houston but by no means are they running away with it.  At 5-3, I see 4 more losses on their schedule and finish 9-7.  8-8 is a good possibility as well because Carolina and Tennessee are potential home losses.

My favorites are the Jacksonville Jaquars.  Yes, they are sitting at 2-6 but they just finished out a stretch of hard games (Jets, @ Panthers, Saints, Bengals, Steelers, Ravens, @ Texans).  I see them finishing 5-2 or even 6-1 after the bye.  When you have their defense and Jones-Drew, anything is possible.  They need to root hard for Houston to lose games they shouldn’t and this division may get handed to them.

Indianapolis really surprised me.  I thought they could still be competitive in this weak conference.  They remind me of San Antonio Spurs in basketball.  Remember when Robinson got hurt, and they landed #1 pick to later on be Tim Duncan?  I see a De Ja Vu in that.  If they are smart, they’ll trade the pick and get a couple of first rounder.  No need to get cute with Andrew Luck.  Get a stud defensive player and a big time running back because Peyton Manning WILL be back.  I don’t know who they’ll beat but they’ll finish 1-15.  Maybe Carolina at home after a much needed bye week?

Tennessee is 4-3, amazingly with Chris Johnson non existence and Kenny Britt, really non-existence.  They certainly have a chance to finish as the division leaders but I think they fall short or lose to a tiebreaker.

AFC West
Remember when the AFC was an exciting conference and all the teams had a chance to be AFC champs?

Well, the favorites of this conference are San Diego.  There is nothing special about their start and Phillip Rivers doesn’t look that special. I see a 5-5 finish for the Chargers, good enough for a 8-8 record.

Some thought Oakland was heading for a promising season but a 28-0 beat down by Kansas City fixed that.  Oakland is a streaky team that will win a few games they shouldn’t and finish 3-5 down the stretch to finish 8-8

A win on Monday Night gave Kansas City  a 4 game winning streak with home games against Miami and Denver lurking.  They will win the next two.  However, their schedule after that is brutal (New England, Pittsburgh, @Chicago, NYJ, GB).  That’s 5 losses combined so they’ll be sitting at 7-9

If Kyle Orton was the quarterback, I would give Denver a chance to finish better, but he’s not.  Tim Tebow is at the helm and it’ll be real interesting to see what the fans say if they have #1 will pick.  Will they still want Tebow?  I’m predicting 3-13 with a win to finish the season, home against Kansas City that will knock them out of the Andrew Luck sweepstake

AFC Playoff Prediction
Pittsburgh 13-3
New England 13-3
Baltimore 12-4
New York J 11-5
San Diego 9-7
Jacksonville 8-8

Andrew Luck Sweepstake
Colts 1-15
Shouldn’t draft Luck.  It’ll be interesting if San Fran or even the Jets pays a heavy price for this pick.  Those are definitely two teams a quarterback away from really dominating.  I know Rodgers waited behind all those years with Favre but they are saying Manning has 6-7 years left.  That’s a LOT of years.  There could be Andrew Luck 2 by then.  Not sure if these teams below could afford to give up their 1st rounder pick plus other stuff since they are so bad.

Seahawks 3-13
They’d take Luck in a heartbeat but not sure they would pay the price for #1.  I think they would be happy with settling with Trent Richardson or Landry Jones.

Broncos 3-13
They just went through ALL the trouble with Tebow this year.  Not sure they would pick Luck.  This team is horrible all around.  The biggest upside is that they can trade Orton to one of these other teams that won’t be able to get Andrew Luck or Landry Jones.  Maybe they get another first for Orton and take Barkley later on.

Miami 3-13
Miami’s defense is alright so their offense is what is needed for improvement.  Chad Henne wasn’t THAT bad.  When you try to run a wildcat with Henne, like you did last year, you hinder his improvement. Miami will regret given up on him. What he did that first game against New England was a good measure of his potential.  They need to build the line but they’ll get either Luck or Landry if either is available.

Cleveland 4-12
I don’t see them being in the hunt for #1 pick and I don’t think they are thinking quarterback either.  It wouldn’t shock me though.

Panthers 4-12
They have Cam Newton and wouldn’t think twice about Luck.  I’m sure they are thinking Claiborne, Blackmon or Richardson.

Cardinals 4-12
Kevin Kolb should be their quarterback for years do getting a QB is out of the question.  They are looking to get some better offensive lineman and pass rushers.
So really, Seattle is the only crap team that really “needs” Luck.  You can make an argument for Denver but I would just tell you that Orton is fine for them and they got many other things to work on.  I’m totally against drafting a quarterback if you have no other puzzles.  I wouldn’t hate it if Cleveland got him but would Luck go pro if Browns or Seattle are #1?  My sleepers are San Francisco or New York Jets.  That’s like plugging Flacco, Matt Ryan, and Big Ben onto their respective teams.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

2011 MLB MVP Race

The MLB MVP voting time has arrived and the talks always fires people up.  Some people don’t like pitchers.  Some people don’t like voting for non-playoff team.  Some actually don’t like guys coming from stacked teams.  Some just want to look at numbers.  Some go even more in depth and looking at ball park dimensions and opponents.  There are good arguments for about 10 guys.


Here’s the Tutor’s take.

1.  Pitchers have their CY Young award so I’d rather NOT vote for pitchers.
(Sorry Verlander, Weaver, and CC.)

2.  You need to have THREE of the following.
a) Over .300 average or .850 OPS
b) Both 90 Runs and 90 RBIs (sorry but that’s MVP #s)
c) One of following: 40 doubles, 10 triples, or 30 HRs (milestones)

So…who do we have in the

Jose Batista, Miguel Cabrera, Adrian Gonzalez, Jacoby Ellsbury, Curtis Granderson,  & Robinson Cano

Ryan Braun, Matt Kemp, Joey Votto, Albert Pujols, & Prince Fielder

3.   Any teams with multiple guys are to be eliminated.  The point is to find the ONE guy that if you took him away from the team, would the team really suffer?
(Sorry:  Ryan, Prince, Adrian, Jacoby, Curtis, and Robinson)

Batista vs. Cabrera

Kemp vs. Votto vs. Pujols

None of these players were on BAD teams.  It’s probably because of these guys.  If that was the case, I would probably drop them from the list.   Without these guys, their teams probably drop significantly in wins.  But which player’s disappearance drops the most. 

Cardinals went 7-7 when Pujols missed time.  They had Berkman and Holliday to carry a load.  So without Pujols, the Cardinals are just as good as Dodgers and Blue Jays, who hovered around the .500 mark.  So I’m going to eliminate Pujols, despite the fact that I think he’s the best player in the game.

Batista vs. Cabrera
This is fairly simple.  Cabrera had Verlander on his team, the AL CY Young.  He also had guys like Avila and Martinez who were very close to making the Tutor’s MVP cut. That’s not even mentioning All-Star SS, Jhonny Peralta.  Towards the end of the year, Cabby got Delmon Young (a MVP candidate last year) in front of him.  Can you even name the best Toronto player outside of Batista?

Winner:  Jose Batista

Kemp vs. Votto
This wasn’t just that simple.  The Dodgers have a CY Young themselves in Kershaw and also had the 5th best pitching staff in the league.   Cincinnati was 12th and you probably couldn’t name their best pitcher.   So you’re thinking, well, lock it up for Votto then, right?  Wrong.  Cincinnati had the #2 hitting in the league.  Dodgers had 10th.  Without Votto, it’s possibly they stay in the top 10 with guys like Bruce and Phillips.  Without Matt Kemp and his Tripe Crown type numbers, the LA Dodgers would be dead last in hitting. 

Winner: Matt Kemp

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

NFL: Week 1 and 2 Analysis

So week 2 is concluded and there isn’t any letdown in surprises thus far this season.   Here’s my double take on the NFL thus far.

Buffalo  Bills – The Tutor’s favorite team have hopped on the Fitzpatrick train and has rode it to a 2-0 start.  The defense doesn’t look all that bad either.   Granted, Oakland and Kansas haven’t looked great but 2-0 is better than 0-2.  If they beat the Pats this week, then we can think about Playoffs.  Otherwise, I’m still thinking 5-7 wins, but at least that’s out of the Andrew Luck sweepstake.

Detroit Lions – Tutor’s other team has also begun 2-0.  This is less surprising to most folks, as many have the Lions sneaking in playoffs or getting 8 wins.  I personally thought they’d be 1-1 on the season.  However, I’m only surprised by HOW they did it….  Minnesota is next and Lions could easily be 3-0.  Green Bay-Lions-Bears are going fight to the finish.

The biggest WTF goes to the Baltimore Ravens.  How do you murder the Steelers and then lay down for the Titans?  Tutor lost a few Survivor games and a bet on that crap.  Not happy.

Even the Tutor couldn’t put up the insane Tom Brady numbers on Rookie level in Madden.  Tutor’s favorite player has MVP wrapped up unless he gets hurt.  Ochocinco’s presence, believe it or not, makes the other guys better.  Kudos to him and boo to Teddy Bruschi.

Tutor’s foot in mouth comes from Cam Newton.  I personally didn’t think he could do this well in year 1.  He held a record for a little bit until Brady dismantled it.

Another foot comes from Washington Redskin.  I personally thought they would be in the heat for Andrew Luck but a 2-0 start ruins it.  I still don’t think they are good but beating other bad teams definitely makes it harder for them to get the prized quarterback.

Jamaal Charles just ruined a lot of people’s lives….but not the Tutors.  I only own him in ONE of 12 leagues.   Vick and Romo are banged up.  Colston is out for another few weeks and Arian Foster should have shut his mouth.  Other than that, Fantasy football has run pretty smoothly.

Enjoy Week 3!  Go Bills.              

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Jim Leyland Hate.

Leyland has had only ONE losing season with the Tigers....I'm sick of the "collapse"" talk. I bet NOBODY knew that stat. He's been to 3 playoffs with the lowly Pirates at the time. He took a Florida team that never been to the World Series, and a Tigers team that was laughing stock for a decade. But nevertheless, HOW MANY TIMES has the team he coached, blown a September lead? ONCE?  If you asked any pessimistic Tigers fans, he does it EVERY YEAR.

Nevertheless, blowing leads in September is based on injuries and player fatigue, NOT the coach. How can you blame a coach for players sucking it up for the last 30 games of the season? They should be READY by then. They should be warmed up and IN THE ZONE.

Fatigue can be fix by RESTING players more, yet haters CONSISTENTLY rip on that too.  Have you ever thought to yourself....."Hey, Leyland is resting guys more to avoid PLAYER FATIGUE, which causes LATE SEASON COLLAPSE, which causes some of the Radio Show announcers and lazyboy coach-fans to call LEYLAND out during EVERY loss, because he had ONE late (September) season collapse. ONE.

The fact that anyone blames "collapse" on Leyland is moronic.  How come he never gets called a GREAT STARTER?  Or a great MID SEASON coach.  It doesn't matter WHEN you win the games.  Yes, the Tigers blew a 3 game lead with 4 to go in 2009, IT SUCKS.  It's not on the coach though.  Crap happens.  Was it Leyland's fault that Huff NOR Washburn couldn't put up their regular numbers?  Was it Leyland's fault that Miggy got shitfaced at the end of the season?  Winning over 80 games a season, almost each year is A LOT better than what we are used to are Tigers fans are used to.

Some of you are WAY too harsh on Leyland. Be Optimistic.  If the Tigers go to the playoffs, they'll have went twice since 2006.  How many teams can ACTUALLY say that?  How many coaches can they they've done that?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fantasy Football Special

The Tutor has his OWN formula when he drafts.  The formula includes everything from ADPs from major sports sites (15 of them), Offensive line rankings, strength of schedule, playoff strength of schedule, talent surrounding them, and what option they are on the team.  It's pretty complex but it makes it easier on draft day.  The Tutor is already picking the moment it's his turn, while others wait 5-10 minutes because they are unsure.  Is it foolproof?  Nope.  Injuries happen, but not just to the player, but their "surrounding teammates."  Some guys don't live up to their hype and some guys just flat out lose their jobs.

This blog will contain the top ten or fifteen players at each position according to my rankings.  I'll also post guys I hate to draft, and late round sleepers.

Top 10 QBs
1. Vick
2. Brady
3. Rodgers
4. Brees
5. Rivers
6. Manning
7. Romo
8. Roethlisberger
9. Schaub
10. Ryan

Top 15 RBs (non PPR)
1. Foster (keep an eye out for his current injury)
2. Peterson
3. Johnson (contract situation is scary)
4. Charles
5. Rice
6. McCoy (bump a few for PPR league)
7. Jones-Drew
8. McFadden
9. Gore (if healthy, he's a top 5 RB)
10. Mendenhall
11. Turner
12. Jackson, S
13. Fotre (quietly a great fantasy producer)
14. Hillis (ended the year poorly)
15. Blount

Top 15 WRs
1. Johnson, A
2. Fitzgerald
3. Nicks
4. Johnson, C
5. White
6. Wallace
7. Jennings
8. Wayne
9. Jackson, D
10. Jackson, V
11. Austin
12. Williams, M (TB)
13. Bryant
14. Bowe
15. Marshall

Top 10 TEs
1. Gates
2. Clark
3. Witten
4. Finley
5. Davis
6. Daniels
7. Graham
8. Lewis
9. Winslow
10. Gronkowski

Guys I hate
Peyton Manning and Michael Vick scare me this year.  If you draft them, draft a back-up quickly like Bradford or brother Manning.  Peyton just isn't healthy and wearing down and Michael Vick is bound to miss a game or two.

I never touch Mike Shanahan running backs.  So I'm not touching Hightower, Helu, or Torain.  I just don't trust Mikey.

I don't like Peyton Hillis this year.  He ended last year poorly and now Hardesty, who would have been starter last year is back.  He'll steak some touchdowns, but he's not going to play like he played at the beginning last year.

Usually, I would like Ryan Grant, but with the emergence of Alex Green, no, not James Starks, I'm not touching him.

Hell, I'm not picking any Green Bay players at skilled positions.  Too many balls to go around to Jennings, Driver, James, Nelson, Finley, and those running backs.  I'm sure a few of them may have good seasons, but I am not taking the chance.

Steve Smith, either of them, will not be on ANY of my teams.  One is getting older and has a rookie quarterback and the other one is buried 4-5 deep on the most talented offensive team that I've ever seen.

Pierre Thomas, will not be on any of my teams either.  Saints like to throw and they drafted a stud running back.

Last season, no receiver hurt fantasy teams in the last month of the season than Anquan Boldin, yet people still overvalue him.  "But Lee Evans is in town."  So what.  Really?  Lee Evans?  This is a hard nose running football team that also lost Todd Heap, a guy, who help keep some pressure of Boldin.

There are 3 other guys like Thomas and Grant, that I'm not touching because their are talented guys right behind them in the depth chart.  Those guys are Ryan Matthews, Felix Jones, and Joseph Addai.

My TE list is limited to only Tony Gonzalez, Chris Cooley, and Shiancoe.  Tight End is a pretty deep position this year, so stay away from the OLD (T.G) and two guys (CC & VC) who have talent on their depth chart behind them as well questionable quarterbacks.


Now, I'm not saying he's a top 10 quarterback, but Chad Henne will have a good fantasy season and squash any question about losing his job.  He will be a good bye-week filler and possible replacement for an injury.

Sam Bradford and Ryan Fitzpatrick will put up INSANE numbers this year and will make fantasy owners upset that they can't play them because they have their #1 QB already.

Fred Jackson, is being undervalued in the drafts.  Truth is, he's a top 10 back in the last three years of football and DOESN'T get hurt.  Don't let CJ Spiller scare you.

DeAngelo Williams has a lot of talent and the best offensive linemen yet continues to be undervalue.  This is a 2nd round running back at WORST and gets slapped in the face with 4-5th round selections.

Another guy being undervalued, Marshawn Lynch, will have a terrific year.  He's a solid #1 with nobody threaten to take his job.

PPR special goes to Reggie Bush.  He's going to get more looks with a rookie running back as his tandem.  He looks pretty good thusfar.

Running back, back-up young guy special  goes to Alex Green, Jacquizz Rodgers, DeMarcus Murray, and Delone Carter.  If you are in a keeper league, drafting them is a MUST.  Otherwise, grab them if you have the starter.  They all have lots of talent but need injuries or poor play to get their time.

Good-bye Steve Smith, hello Mario Manningham.  With Nicks taking serious covering, Manningham is gonna put up the best numbers of all the #2 receivers, and half the #1s.

I know most people might call me a homer, but Braylon Edwards is going to a better situation.  Crabtree is losing his spot as #1 and Edwards has something he wants to prove.  He's being drafted as WR3, but will play like WR2.

There are tons of young guys with talent, but my top picks for sleeper value is AJ Green, Arrelious Benn, and Andre Roberts.  These are guys being drafted 5 or more rounds past Julio Jones but will put up better numbers.

If opportunity presents, Kevin Oglretree has an opportunity to put up some good fantasy numbers.  Same goes for Vincent Brown.

Possession guys, who is primed for good years, especially in a PPR format are Torrey Smith, Nate Burelson, Eric Decker, Danny Amendola, and Davone Bess.

I only have THREE Tighe End sleepers.  Two of them in my mind will be top 10 tight ends, Jimmy Graham and Jared Cook.    The other, Kyle Rudolph has too much talent to be kept off the field.  He's a next year Jimmy Graham.  (Keep an eye on Travis Beckum also)

Make sure you get a back -up quarterback who has a very very favorable match up during your starters bye week. 

Other than QBs, don't even look at bye weeks.

If you are in a PPR league, the difference between a pass catching running back or possession receiver outweighs a guy who's just a long ball threat.  Guys like Austin Collie and Steve Johnson, two guys you can get with your 4th and 5th rounders score MORE points weekly, than guys like Mike Wallace, Miles Austin, and DeSean Jackson do.  Guys who are getting drafted in the SECOND round.  Don''t believe me.....check it out yourself.  That's what makes a guy like Amendola, Bess, and Harvin dangerous as well, since they are going even later than Collie and Johnson.

Don't freak out in week 2 and start trading your players (unless an injury occurs).  A two game losing streak at the start of the season is no different in the middle or end.  Everyone in your league will lose two in a row some point.

Lastly, don't worry about Kickers but do try to get a top 10 defense.  Nothing wrong with trying to get two of them and play match up each week.  It could be the difference of 10 points each week, if you typically a person who just nabs two defense in the final picks.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


No.  This isn't my fantasy predictions.  That will come soon enough.  Football season is BACK and the Tutor is ready to analyze each team and how they did thus far in the off season.

Pittsburgh Steelers
They haven't made a splash in the off season but resigned everyone they needed to in order to repeat as AFC champs.  It's gonna be a fist fight with the Ravens but it'll be enjoyable to watch every minute of it.

Baltimore Ravens
The Ravens got a lot younger in the off season without mortgaging any hopes of winning division.  It will be interesting in who steps up to be the #2 receiver with Heap and Mason gone.  That could be the difference in the division.

Cincinnati Bengals
These are the biggest losers in my book.  They needed to let Palmer go and get something good for him.  They also lost their best receiving threat and their best corner back.  They'll be contenders for the NFl's worst team especially if Palmer shows up with no heart.

Cleveland Browns
Some sites called Browns the biggest off season losers.  In terms of movement, I agree with them.  They did nothing spectacular.  Quite easily the worst team on paper and least fun team to watch.

New England Patroits
The Patriots did what they do best.  They keep recycling players.  I love the OchoCinco signing.  He won't put up Moss numbers but I think he'll have one of his best seasons of his career.  If Haynesworth shows half of his talent, the Patriots will benefit from this signing.  One of the favorites to be playing far in the playoffs.

New York Jets
The team everyone either LOVES or HATES.  Had they signed Asomugha, I would have called them the favorites of the AFC.  But since they didn't and have an ugly offense, they are going to be right where they've been the last two years.  Close.....but no cigar.  It'll be fun to see what Burress has left in the tank though.

Miami Dolphins
I'm a Chad Henne believer and I think Miami needs to stick with him and stop screwing around with the wildcat.  Ricky Williams and Brown are gone.  Enter:  Reggie Bush and Daniel Thomas.  They should flirt with the .500 record like last year.

Buffalo Bills
It's the Tutor's favorite team!  What did they do this off season?  Not much.  They replaced Pos with Barnett and drafted a few nice young defensive players.  They've been competitive each of the last two years but I don't forsee them doing much better than last year.

Kansas City Chiefs
Personally, I believe that Chiefs had a little bit of a fluke season.  They didn't do much in free agent other than Steve Breaston.  I look for them to decline from last years 10-6 record but still flirt with wild card, due to a rather weak division.

San Diego Chargers
A full year of Vincent Jackson and the signing of Takeo Spikes will put the Chargers back in the top of the West.  It won't be enough to make it farther.

Oakland Raiders
The men in black lost Asomugha, Miller, and Gallery.    Is Jason Campbell going to show up?  Will McFadden stay healthy?  Last year's 8-8 record will seem like a great season after 2011 is all said and done.

Denver Broncos
While the organization fights over Orton and Tebow, they'll be losing more games then most of the other NFL teams.  Orton will help them win more, but also brings more value in terms of a trade.  I'd say trade Orton and roll with the punches.  Even though Gaffney was a productive player, the Broncos made a good trade and received nice value for him to improve their defense.   They also had a few nice defensive draft picks in Miller and Moore.  This team is a few years away from being competitive.

Houston Texan
The only splash they made in the off-season was changing defensive personnel, which might be the best move they could have made.  Their offense is solid with Schaub, Foster, and Johnson.  They won't be making the playoff anytime soon but they'll be competitive in most games.

Indianapolis Colts
The leaders of the division look to continue to be the leaders for the foreseeable future.  They added some defensive help and resigned their most important asset.  If healthy, they should be able to contend for the Superbowl crown.

Jacksonville Jaquars
The teasers of the 2000s.  They always look like they are going to overtake Indianapolis but never do.  Their defense still looks pretty solid, especially at the linebacker spot with the signing of Posluszny.  The big question will be whether they mold Gabbert into the starter.   One thing for sure, they'll be teasing playoffs all season.

Tennessee Titans
 Hasselbeck or Locker is the main question.  There defense took a hit with losing Babin and Tulloch. Ayers was a good pick for the defense and they still have Chris Johnson.  Their biggest weakness is their receivers.  They'll be somewhat competitive and hugging the .500 mark all season.

Green Bay Packers
The Superbowl Champs, who weren't even healthy, now have everyone back.  Losing Barnett wasn't helpful from if anyone can overcome a loss, it's these guys.  Their offense and defense are still rock solid and will be hard to knock of the throne.

Chicago Bears
Harris, Kruetz, and Olsen are bigger losses than you think.  Barber should be better than Chester Taylor and Roy Williams should emerge as the #1.  If Cutler can keep his composure, Bears have a chance to make the wildcard.

Minnesota Vikiings
These guys are my picks to be the NFL's most surprising team.  Anytime you have Adrian Peterson, you have a chance to win.  Now add Donovan McNabb instead of the junk that they've been throwing out there and they are legitimate again.  They also added a blindside protection for McNabb as he looks to revive his career.  They won't be a easy team to beat.

Detroit Lions
I've been dogging the Lions and their off season ways for years.  It's a love-hate relationship.  Do I think they got it right this year?  Not really, but much better than years past.  Their biggest strength was their defensive line and that's what they addressed in the 1st round.  They also addressed a WR, another position that wasn't a need,  in the second.  However, I applaud them for Tulloch and Wright signings, even though they may not be all-world.  What irks me is that they have the SAME offensive line.  Will this be the year that everyone turns on Stafford or will he save his face?  They'll flirt with 7 wins, but the revival of McNabb will keep them from being 2nd in the conference.

Philadelphia Eagles
Do I really need to mention what they did this off season?  Anything less than a meeting with the Packers in the NFC championship would be a fail.  Trading Kolb was by far their best move.

Dallas Cowboys
Because they were in salary cap trouble, they couldn't sign any big names.  They resigned some key guys and now they just need to hope for good health.  If they want to win, they'll need to be a big time passing team.  Like the Bears, they could falter below .500 or tease the wildcard.

New York Giants
Whether or not they have Osi in their lineup come regular season will be the difference between winning and losing.  He's a sack machine.   Amukamara and Austin were good draft picks.  The offense should hold their own as they flirt with 9 wins.

Washington Redskins
Doing what they do best, signing anybody and everybody possible.  Either way, they are definitely younger and rebuilding.  Andrew Luck would be a great addition to this team next year and most likely will happen as long as Grossman is at the helm.

Atlanta Falcons
Matt Ryan, Roddy White, Michael Turner, and now Julio Jones.   Offense is loaded and so is defense, with the signing of Ray Edwards and his 8 sacks last year. They'll be in competition with Eagles, Saints, and Packers for that NFC crown.

New Orleans Saints
 One of the most active teams in free agencies kept pace with Falcons and Eagles.   They replaced Bush with Sproles and signed a good linebacker in Clint Ingram.  They have a chip on their shoulders with that Seattle lost last year.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Last year, this team flirted with the playoffs, but failed miserably in the end.  Bucs did nothing in the off season and I don't expect them to flirt with a winning record this season.

Carolina Panthers
The Cam Newton ERA has begun and Carolina helped out by giving him Olsen and Shockey at the TE spot.  Their defense is quietly underrated and that's why they'll be competitive in many of their games.  It's very possible that they could be this years Rams/Bucs.

Seattle Seahawks
Yep, last year's favorite underdogs.  They did everything right this off season, except for one thing.  They let their quarterback go, and replaced with..........Tavaris Jackson?  This isn't a particularly hard division so the addition of Rice and Miller might combat losing Hasselbeck.

San Francisco 49ers
With the West for the taking, I'm very surprised that the 49ers stood back and did nothing to improve their team.  Guess they want Andrew Luck, and they will probably get him.

St. Louis Rams
The addition of Mikeel and Sims Walker might very well just put St. Louis over in the West.  They were busy this off season and they added a couple of insurance policies for Steve Jackson (Norwood/Williams).  Winner of this division won't have more than 9 wins and it's gonna be a dogfight just like last year.  Rams have the edge because they have the best QB.

Arizona Cardinals
Patrick Peterson, Heap, and Kolb were two A+ additions to the Cardinals.  In a year or two, this division  could easily be theirs.  However, they need to address their offensive line woes and have patience with Peterson, since Cromartie is gone.  The West is out for anyone, and Kolb is just as talented as Bradford.

AFC Division Winners - Chargers, Patriots, Steelers, Colts
AFC WILD Cards - Ravens & Jets
AFC Champion - Patriots
NFC Division Winners - Eagles, Packers, Falcons, Rams (unless Sea gets a QB)
NFC WILD Cards - Vikings & Saints
NFC Champion - Eagles

Player Predictions
Michael Vick & Tom Brady are MVPs
Daniel Thomas & Patrick Peterson ROY

Donovan McNabb will be top 15 Qb
Ocho Cinco makes pro bowl (10 tds) and Haynesworth has a solid season.
Plaxico Burress doesn't do much (3 TDs)
Reggie Bush has decent season and plays more than 12 games.

Matt Stafford does get injured but plays more than 8 games,, but only leads Lions to 7 wins.
My Buffalo Bills gets 5 wins.
Washington wins the Andrew Luck sweepstake, barely, over SF.

 ***Fantasy Predictions coming in 2 weeks**


Sunday, July 24, 2011

NFL: Greediness

Ask me, "How much would you play professional baseball for?"

My answer would be, "Whatever is needed to live in a 200,000 home with security, buy a few cars, pay my bills, and support my wife and kids."

I hardly doubt that lifestyle means millions of dollars.  FOR SOMETHING YOU LOVE TO DO.  

The greed that the NFL owners and the players have is RIDICULOUS. They already get a bunch of AWESOME perks that us simple folks don't get.  But my BLAME is more on the PLAYERS.  The good athletes have endorsements to piling on even more ridiclous cash in their pockets.  The worst players of the NFL still make more money than a person would need to live a satisfying life.

A few weeks back, I read what was suppose to be a "depressing" story about an offensive lineman who makes league minimum, had to get a job in construction this summer to help support his family.

Oh yeah...know what his contract was?  Over $300,000 a year.

I don't feel so bad now.  That's his fault for not saving his money knowing a lockout was possible OR just being dumb for not knowing you should put money into savings, especially when you make league minimum.  Because when you make LEAGUE MINIMUM, it means you aren't that good and may not make a football team the following year.

Pay all these greedy players ONE million dollars a year.  Let the GOOD players get endorsements.  If ONE million dollars isn't enough, then during the off season,  GET A REAL JOB .

As for the rest of the money?  Put it into the schools, inner cities, charities, house the homeless, feed the poor, big bigger stadiums (if needed) so more fans can go to games (and for cheaper prices).....

And to think TEACHERS are the problems.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Detroit Tigers/MLB first half Analyst

Well, the Tigers are who we thought they were.  49-43 is right around everyone’s realistic prediction of 82-85 wins.  Cabrera, Verlander, Peralta, and Valverde are all-stars with Victor Martinez being first man out.

However, there are still some of those fair weather fans, including a well-known local talk show host who places blame after each loss.  Most of the blame goes to Leyland and DD, while others go after Inge and Raburn.  Coke got thrown under the bus after two bad starts even after pitching very well for a 5th starter transitioning to a starting pitcher this year.  A lot of folks want to do fantasy baseball trades or video game trades and think it will fix the team.  It doesn't work like that.

Surprises this early season include Aliva, Peralta, and Alburquerque.  Tigers would be sitting around 35 wins if it weren’t for these pleasant surprises.  Verlander is having his best season thus far and is on his way to a CY Young, barring any setbacks.  It’s also good to see Martinez bounce back from his injury and Boesch getting back his early season form from last year. 

Some disappointments have been Benoit, but seem to be coming through and the rest of the bullpen not named Jose.  Scherzer and Porcello are also struggling to take a hold of being the #2 man.  Inge and Raburn have been horrendous, but with Guillen ailing, they’re not anyone else to turn to.  Kelly and Santiago have been "OK" but it probably doesn’t make much of a difference.  Ajax is striking out too much and isn’t quite the lead off hitter we need him to be.

If DD were to stand pat, the Tigers might not have quite enough because it shouldn’t be expected that Boesch, Avila, and Peralta keeps it together for a full year.  It shouldn’t also be expected that Verlander is going to get 12 more wins.  Twins and Sox will both be creeping along in the second half.

DD needs to make a trade to land another starter and an infielder.  An infielder with leadoff capability would be nice too.  With Benoit catching on and Coke back in the bullpen, another arm in the pen isn’t needed.  There’s no need going after studs.  Little trades like the Guillen and Peralta trades are sufficient.  

 Off the top of my head, potential players that would help are Headley/Latos(Padres), Nolasco/Bonifacio (Marlins), Furcal/Lilly (Dodgers), Encarncion/Morrow (Jays), Espinosa/Lannan (Nats), Kennedy/Fister (Mariners), Keppinger/Wandy (Astros), or Harris/Dickey (Mets).

Bringing up Turner isn’t necessary, but looks like it might happen.  Nevertheless, another starter might light a fire up our pitcher’s butts.  I wonder if Tigers are getting calls for Maggs?  He might have another season or two left in the tank for a buyer.  No matter how Maggs plays, I’d jump all over it just so that we get something for nothing.

I predict the Tigers finish with 84 wins, which is enough because the Indians will have another little collapse and we will help ourselves because we play them a lot.  If they do land a stud, they will probably win more than that 84.    Sox and Twins will both fall just a little bit short.  Verlander will finish 2nd in CY Young behind Weaver.  Bautista will win the AL MVP.  Over in the NL, Kemp and Lee will win their awards, with Jurrjen fading a little.  Phillies will beat the Sox in a 7 game series.

1st Half MVPs

1b- Gonzalez and Votto
2b- Cano and Weeks
3b- Young and Ramirez
SS- Peralta and Reyes
C- Avila and McCann
OF- Bautista and Kemp
SP- Weaver and Jurrjen
RP- Kimbrel and Rivera

1st Half “Fantasy Nobodies to All-Star” Awards

1b- Helton
2b- Kendrick
3b- Headley    
SS- Peralta
C- Avila
SP- Ogando
RP- Farnsworth

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Biggest Winner of NBA Finals? -----David Stern

It was Dallas vs. Miami.  Two big market sports cities.

It was a rematch of a previous NBA series where the Heat won.  (w/o Lebron and Bosh)

It was NBA's Superteam vs. entire world who hated them.  Ratings GALORE.  Even if your team wasn't in the finals, you were watching cause you hated Lebron or respected Kidd/Dirk.

It was the "Gonna win 8 Championships" vs. 3 big time veterans with no rings (Kidd, Dirk, Terry)

Everyone's favorite owner was showcased (Cuban)

David Stern couldn't even have written a better script.  Lakers vs. Miami?  Nah...Everyone is sick of the Lakers.  Anyone else from the East?  Nah, because who would we root against?

But the biggest win for David Stern was...

Heat Lost.

Had the Heat won, Lebron haters would have given up hating and stopped watching all together.  Other owners would have given up since they know they need to get 3 superstars to win.  Veterans, without rings, would give up because Jason Kidd didn't give them hope...NBA would have been boring again.

Friday, June 3, 2011

What? Paying College Athletes?

The Tressel/OSU disaster has reignited another, never-ending hot topic around the message board world.  Some people seem to think that college athletes deserve to get paid.  WHAT?!?!?!?  

 “Well, but I’m making all this money for this university……”
WELL, GOOD FOR YOU.  YOU SHOULD.  They give you all the FREE stuff so that you’ll compete at your best and put their university on the map, so that all those other POOR suckers come to their university and hand them the big bucks.  You know, the same poor suckers that are spending their own money to attend YOUR games and paying YOUR tuition.

“Some athletes extremely unprepared for the college course work expected of normal students.”
Whose fault is that?  But guess what?  Their athletic department provides them with a handful of tutors for free.  And since apparently they don’t have jobs, they have tons of free time to study.  But let’s be serious though, those “superstar” athletes aren’t taking classes that are difficult.  You know what I’m talking about.  You’ve seen it before on the bottom of screen while you’re watching the big game.  “Sports Management.”  “Sports Studies.”  It’s those scholar athletes that are taking the tough classes.  The ones that are actually prepared for college and then go on to do much, and I do mean MUCH better things that athletes will ever do.  Do I feel bad for them, NOT ONE BIT.  If you weren’t good enough to make it to the big show, then maybe you should have worried more about your “free” education, and not sports.  Only 1% of college athletes go on to make enough money to support a family.

“You don’t have to pay ALL of them, just the good ones.”
WHAT?  Are you talking about the same ones that are going to make the big bucks in the big show, anyway?  What a dumb argument.  Absolutely not.  Most sports at the college level are TEAM sports and everyone on the team should be treated equally.  That 300 pound lineman, who probably won’t make it to the NFL, is busting his hump every day, protecting your “superstar” and academically challenged quarterback so that he can make millions of dollars in the next level.

Sorry, I just don’t see one good argument for it…………………..

On average, a college student pays about $50,000 for a four year degree, give or take a few.   If you really want to get technical, an out of state student pays much more.  (Around $80,000)  This is including room and board.  You know……the things that the athletes are apparently taking for granted, since they don’t have to pay it.  Normal Joes like you and I, had to pay this out of pocket, or are STILL paying this out of pocket.  We didn’t get to play the game we love on a daily basis.  (Unless you count Halo or John Madden Football, but nobody’s paying us to be good at the, are they?)

Tell me again, why can’t these athletes, who are getting educated, eating, and sleeping FOR FREE get summer jobs or out-of-season jobs?  I had too.  So did you.  But let’s be realistic, do they need to?  Probably not, since they are technically making over $50,000 a year.  Oh yeah, did I forget to mention the OTHER perks of the athletes like PLAYING COLLEGE SPORTS?  Hotels, free apparels, excused class absences, around the clock tutors, visiting beautiful cities, fans/friends doing anything you want them to do, and possibly getting a chance to move on to the professional level and get paid even more.

The money that the university makes has more important places to be allotted.  University hospitals, research labs, newer and safer buildings, charities, or even to help lower the tuition of other students.  It isn’t rocket science to predict what’ll happen if the university had to start paying athletes.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Jim Tressell and tOhio State Buckeyes

First of all, let me say.  Yes, OSU is the rival of my Michigan Wolverines, and yes this is funny situation that is unraveling in front of us sports fans.  I personally chuckled my butt off for a day because it's Doomsday over there in Columbus.  It was a perfect storm of allegations that's about to ruin the athletic department.  When all said or done, it'll probably a little bit more penalized than USC.  And for what?  Tattoos and free car rides?  LOL.  

Listening to some fellow Michigan fans/OSU haters on the message boards, Facebook, or even my text messaging inbox, you would think Tressel murdered their wife and children.  I think everyone and their brothers knew that OSU players were getting some nice treatment from community members.  Tressel hung around this long, because it wasn't serious until the NEWEST allegations about Pryor.  Even he is finally OVER IT and is going to move on.  Maybe some of the haters should to?  He basically owning up to the fact that the football program has some major issues and he wants to begin the process of cleaning house by leaving.  Others should follow.

However, I feel some of you are really spreading the hate in the wrong places.  The hate period is stupid.  This does NOT make Tressel a bad person.  A lot of you want to throw out that he's dirty and he's had 400+ violations.  Well, think about that for a second.  He's had that many minor violations and neither OSU nor the NCAA did ANYTHING to him.  Immediately when Clarett got busted, he was SHIPPED OUT.  When Smith got busted (for $500), he missed a game.  So why would he change what he does if the program or himself have gotten any heat?  Yes, he's the head coach and he SHOULD know everything that's going on behind his back.  But come on, that's unrealistic.  By the time he hears from it, EVERYONE should know.  The community, the other coaches, the other players, other students, family, friends.....etc    HOW ABOUT THE PARENTS?  Why are we directing hate on Tressel but not the others?  Is Steve Fischer a sleaze ball and a bad coach?  No.  Things just got a little too out of control under his watch.  Same for Tressel.  The funniest part is that OSU is gonna allow the interim coach to continue coaching.  What?  How is it that the "next in line" guy doesn't have any responsibility on this football team?  A great person and man has been turned into the world's biggest scapegoat.  This man is well respected, great family man, great teacher, great friend, good author, and a church oriented person.   I think I read somewhere that he reads the bible every morning with his peers.  I have heard nothing but GOOD about him.  Sounds like a guy I'd like to have as my neighbor.

Are you a parent?  What if your 14 year old son came home and told you that he cheated on his math exam and got a C?  He peeked over to his neighbors and changed a few answers?  Now, some of you can CLAIM that you would run to the school and tell on your son, but I think we know what would really happen.   You would have a talk with your son, maybe get him a math tutor, or even help him yourself.  YOU WOULD NOT squeal on your son and you know it.  Would you turn your daughter into the police if she drove home drunk at 2 in the morning?  It was a TATTOO for Christ sakes.  Tressel acknowledge the incident and forward it to a mentor of T.P.  Personally, I think the whole selling your stuff being an infraction is silly to begin with.  Yes, I acknowledge that it's wrong, but I can't believe it's about to ruin a football program worse than point shaving, steroids, or paying recruits.  Did he handle it incorrectly, he sure did, but does it mean we should hang him and call him the devil like he's O.B.L?  And yes, I'm well aware of bigger things could be in the horizon (maybe paying players) and yes, I would be the first person to say, "Give them the SMU treatment."  For those of you that have no clue, SMU is the last university to get the death penalty in sports.

Any person who thinks their program isn't committing infractions is stubborn.  In this day and age, you don't win without allegations on your butts.  USC, Auburn, Lance Armstrong, Roger Clemens, Tonya Harding, that Nascar driver, Spygate, Marion Jones, etc.  If you aren't winning, you probably aren't "Cheating," or not doing it very good.  Like Wilbon said on PTI, they were caught just like Lebron and Noah were caught slurring on national T.V.   These kids got free tattoos and a few got new cars to drive each month.  LOL.  These are the same stuff that you and I would gladly take for free as well.  Think if some community hot shot came up to you in college and handed you $500 and told you to keep up the good work in your college courses?  Or if a car dealership said, "Hey man, wanna drive a car around for a week?"  Or if a friend of yours needs a book you own for class and said he'll give you a tattoo for it.  Any of you saying you wouldn't, ARE LYING....or just don't really like tattoos (like me).

OSU is not a prestige academic university like Duke, Notre Dame, or Michigan.  They are more vulnerable to get a lot of bad eggs.  Heck, why the hate?  It's college football.  Jeez.  CHILL OUT.  After what happened to our basketball program, I don't think we are in any position to do all this bashing.  Every football program (at least successful one) has infractions going on.    They didn't kill anybody.  They didn't take steroids.  They didn't (well not yet) cheat in their college courses, or spy on other football programs.   NCAA ALLOWED the "Tat 5" to play in the bowl game.  NCAA ALLOWED OSU to stay afloat after the Clarett and Smith situation.  You want someone to hate, hate the NCAA.  Hating kids and coaches for accepting free cars and tattoos is ridiculous.  

As for Michigan vs. OSU.  I don't want to hear, "Well they cheated so we should at least be 5-5."  I'm not playing the WHAT IF game.  OSU, with NO extra advantages has whooped our frigging butts for a decade.  Tressel has out coached Carr and Rodriquez, not OUT-CHEATED.  Yes, some of these so called, "thugs" have done some stupid things since being at OSU, but it did NOT make them a better football team.  The Big Ten is severely damaged without OSU's tradition and Jim Tressel.  It's a sad day for OSU football fans but it's also a sad time for our conference and even more, our rivalry.  Some of you really need to examine your own life and the bitterness that surrounds you.

The Tutor's First Blog

Whether you love me or hate me, you will still LISTEN to me.  You will WANT to disagree with me but it's gonna be awfully hard to get me to sway my opinion.  Do I need much more of an introduction?  Probably not.  You know me from your fantasy leagues (and I'm in a lot of them), you've argued with me on various message boards or Facebook, or better yet, you've known me all your life and you still can't get away with hearing whatever I have to say.  Most of my blogs will be about sports, mostly Michigan pro/college sports or whatever is hot.