Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Biggest Winner of NBA Finals? -----David Stern

It was Dallas vs. Miami.  Two big market sports cities.

It was a rematch of a previous NBA series where the Heat won.  (w/o Lebron and Bosh)

It was NBA's Superteam vs. entire world who hated them.  Ratings GALORE.  Even if your team wasn't in the finals, you were watching cause you hated Lebron or respected Kidd/Dirk.

It was the "Gonna win 8 Championships" vs. 3 big time veterans with no rings (Kidd, Dirk, Terry)

Everyone's favorite owner was showcased (Cuban)

David Stern couldn't even have written a better script.  Lakers vs. Miami?  Nah...Everyone is sick of the Lakers.  Anyone else from the East?  Nah, because who would we root against?

But the biggest win for David Stern was...

Heat Lost.

Had the Heat won, Lebron haters would have given up hating and stopped watching all together.  Other owners would have given up since they know they need to get 3 superstars to win.  Veterans, without rings, would give up because Jason Kidd didn't give them hope...NBA would have been boring again.

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