Monday, July 11, 2011

Detroit Tigers/MLB first half Analyst

Well, the Tigers are who we thought they were.  49-43 is right around everyone’s realistic prediction of 82-85 wins.  Cabrera, Verlander, Peralta, and Valverde are all-stars with Victor Martinez being first man out.

However, there are still some of those fair weather fans, including a well-known local talk show host who places blame after each loss.  Most of the blame goes to Leyland and DD, while others go after Inge and Raburn.  Coke got thrown under the bus after two bad starts even after pitching very well for a 5th starter transitioning to a starting pitcher this year.  A lot of folks want to do fantasy baseball trades or video game trades and think it will fix the team.  It doesn't work like that.

Surprises this early season include Aliva, Peralta, and Alburquerque.  Tigers would be sitting around 35 wins if it weren’t for these pleasant surprises.  Verlander is having his best season thus far and is on his way to a CY Young, barring any setbacks.  It’s also good to see Martinez bounce back from his injury and Boesch getting back his early season form from last year. 

Some disappointments have been Benoit, but seem to be coming through and the rest of the bullpen not named Jose.  Scherzer and Porcello are also struggling to take a hold of being the #2 man.  Inge and Raburn have been horrendous, but with Guillen ailing, they’re not anyone else to turn to.  Kelly and Santiago have been "OK" but it probably doesn’t make much of a difference.  Ajax is striking out too much and isn’t quite the lead off hitter we need him to be.

If DD were to stand pat, the Tigers might not have quite enough because it shouldn’t be expected that Boesch, Avila, and Peralta keeps it together for a full year.  It shouldn’t also be expected that Verlander is going to get 12 more wins.  Twins and Sox will both be creeping along in the second half.

DD needs to make a trade to land another starter and an infielder.  An infielder with leadoff capability would be nice too.  With Benoit catching on and Coke back in the bullpen, another arm in the pen isn’t needed.  There’s no need going after studs.  Little trades like the Guillen and Peralta trades are sufficient.  

 Off the top of my head, potential players that would help are Headley/Latos(Padres), Nolasco/Bonifacio (Marlins), Furcal/Lilly (Dodgers), Encarncion/Morrow (Jays), Espinosa/Lannan (Nats), Kennedy/Fister (Mariners), Keppinger/Wandy (Astros), or Harris/Dickey (Mets).

Bringing up Turner isn’t necessary, but looks like it might happen.  Nevertheless, another starter might light a fire up our pitcher’s butts.  I wonder if Tigers are getting calls for Maggs?  He might have another season or two left in the tank for a buyer.  No matter how Maggs plays, I’d jump all over it just so that we get something for nothing.

I predict the Tigers finish with 84 wins, which is enough because the Indians will have another little collapse and we will help ourselves because we play them a lot.  If they do land a stud, they will probably win more than that 84.    Sox and Twins will both fall just a little bit short.  Verlander will finish 2nd in CY Young behind Weaver.  Bautista will win the AL MVP.  Over in the NL, Kemp and Lee will win their awards, with Jurrjen fading a little.  Phillies will beat the Sox in a 7 game series.

1st Half MVPs

1b- Gonzalez and Votto
2b- Cano and Weeks
3b- Young and Ramirez
SS- Peralta and Reyes
C- Avila and McCann
OF- Bautista and Kemp
SP- Weaver and Jurrjen
RP- Kimbrel and Rivera

1st Half “Fantasy Nobodies to All-Star” Awards

1b- Helton
2b- Kendrick
3b- Headley    
SS- Peralta
C- Avila
SP- Ogando
RP- Farnsworth

1 comment:

  1. I agree with everything you said except Coke. If you really look at his 14 starts only 7 were very good.. He was not good in the other 7 starts. He does not have an out pitch when he gets into trouble and is basically a 2 pitch pitcher and while some starters can get by with that a fringe starter like Phil cannot. Basically he is where he belongs right now because all he can get out is LHB. He could not get right handed batters out. Some of your trades look OK except the trade for Wandy Rodriguez. He is way to expensive and is not that good against the AL. Harang for SD is much better verses the AL even though he does not do much for me..And he is much cheaper and will not cost as much player wise. All in all a good article...
